
Michael Etzensperger
Masken 2

Masken 2 is a further elaboration of the material in the artist’s book Masken (cpress, 2018) by Michael Etzensperger. The artist fed all the images from his first book into a neural network for machine learning (GAN). The algorithm generated a total of 1,785 images, which were published as Masken 2 in thirty-five unique copies, each containing fifty-one pictures.
The layout and structure of the books are modelled on Masken—not so the text, however, which comes from an online video on GAN systems. It was transcribed using an app and inserted into the book unedited. In keeping with the overall concept, Masken 2 was produced by a fully automated print-on-demand company.

Each copy is numbered and signed by the artist.

120 CHF
+ 10 CH
+ 20 EU
+ 30 WORLD

Michael Etzensperger, Masken 2, 80pp; 51 Images, Hardcover;
210x297mm, Edition of 35 unique Books; Graphic Design: Michael Etzensperger, adapted from Studio Nüssli+Nuessli; Published by cpress, Zürich, 2019
