
Christof Nüssli
S—t doesn't add up

A park in which Scotland's national stadium once stood serves as the physical and mental space for a chamber play taking place in the spring of 2020. The emptiness of this clearly defined space melts with pop culture, social issues, humor, and bare numbers. Happy dogs, sweaty athletes, and lurking beer drinkers perform in this human-made recreational architecture while the narrator sings "Mathematics" by Mos Def. Borrowing from the tradition of the video diary, "S—t doesn't add up" links the mundane with a (supposed) search for clarity.

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11.–14.11.2021; Shortfilm Festival Winterthur (CH)

4K, 13:26mins
Voice over: Fionn Duffy, Aaron Goddard
Sound design: Claudia Vasiliu
Color grading: Jürgen Kupka (Unsere Farben)
Text editing: Lindsay LeBoyer